New Residents’ Tools to buy prior to starting Residency

Stethoscope: You can buy any stethoscope. Cheaper vs costlier ones. After 13 yrs of working, I realized that the lighter the steth the better it is. You should definitely have a tag with your name on it so that you can get it back whenever you forget it somewhere in the hospital.

Pen Light: This is the most useful tool after stethoscope for residency and even in job as a hospitalist.

Tuning Fork: This is useful for neurological exams.

Knee Hammer: This is useful for documenting neurological findings while taking care of CVA patients.

Smart Phone: I am sure everyone has one these days. We need to access several apps while working in the hospital.

Tylenol at work: Sometimes, one may have headache while working. I bought one Tylenol bottle with 100 caplets and it was all used up after 3 months. My team used them all up. I am glad I could help but then realized how important its to have Tylenol for simple pains and headaches.

Pocket Medicine Book: Most hospitals have UpToDate to access while at work to look up for the latest medical knowledge. Some use this pocketbook and keep in white coat’s pocket to come in handy while taking care of the patients.
